Module 5: ‘False News’, Misinformation & Propaganda
Modules on Litigating Digital Rights in Europe
In today’s digital landscape, the proliferation of false news and misinformation has surged, particularly amplified by the rapid expansion of the internet and the pervasive reach of social media platforms. The manipulation and distortion of information have been prevalent throughout history, but the contemporary era has seen an unparalleled weaponisation of information in the new online environment, warranting an urgent response both domestically and throughout the region.
This module looks at false news, misinformation, and propaganda, shedding light on the urgency to combat these challenges effectively. It also explores possible response mechanisms, other than legal regulation, such as Media and Information Literacy (MIL) strategies and campaigns to counter misinformation without compromising the fundamental right to freedom of expression.
For the purposes of this module, the term “misinformation” is used broadly and, unless otherwise specified, includes reference to disinformation and malinformation. (For more on this, see this guide by First Draft)