Freedom of expression
An overview of the multi-faceted right to freedom of expression and how it is protected under international law.
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An overview of the multi-faceted right to freedom of expression and how it is protected under international law.
Understanding digital rights is crucial to protecting human rights, as little of our lives today is immune from the forces of technology and the internet.
An overview of the ways in which access to the internet and online content are restricted around the world.
An overview of freedom of expression issues in the law, including how defamation is treated in domestic and international law.
An overview of the right to privacy, data protection, and protecting freedom of expression in a digital world.
Describes the different types of cybercrimes, tracks the trends, and evaluates how cybercrimes are dealt with in international law.
An overview of hate speech and how it is dealt with both under domestic and international law.
An overview of the ways in which access to content and freedom of expression online are restricted by private actors.
An overview of false news, misinformation and propaganda, including causes and potential solutions..
An overview of the various rights and concepts which encompass digital rights.
An internet shutdown is an intentional disruption of internet or electronic communications, rendering them inaccessible or effectively unusable, for a specific population or within a location, often to exert control over the flow of information. A shutdown arises when someone, be it the government or a private sector actor, intentionally disrupts the internet, a telecommunications network or an internet service, arguably to control or curb what people say or do.
The Turkish Constitutional Court held that blocking access to news articles on account of a violation of reputation and personal rights violated the right to freedom of expression.
The Superior Tribunal of Justice in Brazil held that search engines cannot be compelled to remove search results relating to a specific term or expression.
Los Estados tienen una obligación negativa de respeto de los derechos humanos y tres obligaciones positivas que se complementan recíprocamente: la obligación de prevenir, la obligación de proteger y la obligación de investigar, juzgar y sancionar a los responsables de la violencia contra periodistas.
Los estándares y prácticas sobre prevención, protección y procuración de justicia en los casos de violencia contra periodistas y trabajadores de medios de comunicación se han construido a partir del estudio de diversos casos de litigio estratégico en la región ante el SIDH.
The Zimbabwe Supreme Court found that a law criminalising the publication of false statements was unconstitutional on the basis that in being too vague it exerted an unacceptable ‘chilling effect’ on freedom of expression.