Freedom of expression
An overview of the multi-faceted right to freedom of expression and how it is protected under international law.
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An overview of the multi-faceted right to freedom of expression and how it is protected under international law.
Understanding digital rights is crucial to protecting human rights, as little of our lives today is immune from the forces of technology and the internet.
An overview of the ways in which access to the internet and online content are restricted around the world.
An overview of freedom of expression issues in the law, including how defamation is treated in domestic and international law.
An overview of the right to privacy, data protection, and protecting freedom of expression in a digital world.
Describes the different types of cybercrimes, tracks the trends, and evaluates how cybercrimes are dealt with in international law.
An overview of hate speech and how it is dealt with both under domestic and international law.
An overview of the ways in which access to content and freedom of expression online are restricted by private actors.
An overview of false news, misinformation and propaganda, including causes and potential solutions..
An overview of the various rights and concepts which encompass digital rights.
While defamation laws aim to provide individuals with a remedy for public statements that may harm their reputation or honour, they frequently come into conflict with the right to freedom of expression.
View this themeProvides an overview of the current ways in which non-state actors are facilitating online censorship.
Sets out the applicable international human rights standards and provides an overview of fundamental international and regional legal principles.
Sets out trends and expected developments in the context of the right of access to information, particularly trends that pose a threat to access to information.
Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs) are vexatious and meritless legal action, often taken against journalists and human rights activists who have expressed a critical opinion. They are intended to distract from the reporting, intimidate and discourage them from voicing their opinions, and divert resources from public interest reporting to defending the abusive suits. SLAPPs…
Las acciones legales por difamación se utilizan con frecuencia para callar injustamente el disenso y la crítica legítima. Sin embargo, pueden también representar un mecanismo válido para proteger la reputación de aquellos perjudicados por declaraciones de otros.
A unanimous judgment from the South African Constitutional Court recognised a SLAPP defence as an existing form of abuse of process under South African law that did not call for a further development of the common law.
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights found that the criminalisation of the dissemination “of an opinion article, about a matter of public interest referred to a public official” criminalised under defamation law was a violation of freedom of expression.